Unmatched service and support

Our network of regional distribution, maintenance and support centers throughout North America, and our 24/7 Technical Support Team, means you have the support you need, when you need it.

Schedule a call with our Tech Support Group

Choose a time that works for your schedule and our Technical Support Team will reach out to arrange a training session or answer any questions you may have.

Backed by real (and really passionate) people

Product training
Technical support
Product support
Sales support
Product availability
On-site or online

On-site training is included with delivery of every Horizon Portable Traffic Signal System. Horizon also offers web-based interactive training as well as hands-on training classes.

Learn more
IMG 2146 1
Any question, anytime

Horizon Signal maintains a 24-hour technical support team to immediately address all technical questions. Regional technical support managers are also available to provide localized assistance for fast response times.

Get in touch
DW1 2481 1
Service where you are

Horizon Signal offers equipment and component options for rent or purchase with turnkey options and on-site support.

Let us help
ATSSA 0159
Continental coverage

Horizon maintains nine (9) service centers and sales offices throughout North America.

Find our nearest location
Horizon Signal Horizon Signal 0046 4
Speedy supply

Horizon maintains a strategically located Network of regional distributors and factory direct facilities throughout Canada and the United States for fast delivery of systems and components.

Get the products you need
DW1 2569 1
Product training
IMG 2146 1
On-site or online

On-site training is included with delivery of every Horizon Portable Traffic Signal System. Horizon also offers web-based interactive training as well as hands-on training classes.

Learn more
Technical support
DW1 2481 1
Any question, anytime

Horizon Signal maintains a 24-hour technical support team to immediately address all technical questions. Regional technical support managers are also available to provide localized assistance for fast response times.

Get in touch
Product support
ATSSA 0159
Service where you are

Horizon Signal offers equipment and component options for rent or purchase with turnkey options and on-site support.

Let us help
Sales support
Horizon Signal Horizon Signal 0046 4
Continental coverage

Horizon maintains nine (9) service centers and sales offices throughout North America.

Find our nearest location
Product availability
DW1 2569 1
Speedy supply

Horizon maintains a strategically located Network of regional distributors and factory direct facilities throughout Canada and the United States for fast delivery of systems and components.

Get the products you need

Training opportunities

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Online training

Schedule a session with our Technical Support team to familiarize yourself with how to safely and effectively operate our systems.

Schedule a session
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In-person training

Since we have nine (9) sales and service centers located across North America, we can come to you to provide hands-on product training for your team.

Hands-on training

"We have been doing business with Horizon for over 20 years and in all that time, as the world sacrifices quality to profit, Horizon has resisted & prevailed. They maintain a quality product with reasonable pricing, while maintaining superior support & service. Looking forward to the next 20 years!"

Jason Rosenfeld, General Manager

Traffic Lane Closures


work zone safety experts trained in 2022


work zone safety experts trained since 2018


satisfaction rating from trainees who have attended training courses

01 02 03

Optimized tech service

Need help on the jobsite? Horizon Signal provides easy access to product manuals, specifications, video tutorials, and installation guides all from your smartphone.